Congratulations on your goal of acquiring an education beyond High School!

The York County Hispanic Coalition’s scholarship program may be able to help you achieve your goal of pursuing an undergraduate degree or trades certification.

Please follow the guidelines indicated below. If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Applications must be postmarked by March 22, 2024

¡Buena Suerte!

  1. Scholarships are awarded to the students entering their first year of post-secondary education in Fall 2024. Each scholarship is valued at $500 for an Associate degree (2 yrs.), Trade certification, or $1,000 for a bachelor’s degree (4 yrs.)
  2. Applicants must be of Hispanic /Latino Heritage.
  3. Applicants must be high school seniors enrolled in York County High School or non-traditional students with appropriate proof of high school or GED completion.
  4. Applicants must complete all sections of the scholarship application. Only completed applications by the due date will be considered.
  5. Applicants must attach a letter of acceptance from the post-secondary institution of education they will be attending in Fall 2024. Scholarships will be awarded only to students enrolling in Fall 2024.
  6. Attach the high school transcript.
  7. Write and attach the essay (500 words) in response to two (2) questions provided. They may be written in English or Spanish.
  8. Attach two (2) letters of recommendation from non-relatives (e.g. teachers, guidance counselors, employers, youth group advisors, clergy.)
  9. An interview will be conducted with finalists for the scholarship. You will be notified by telephone or email to schedule the interview with the scholarship committee. This meeting will be conducted in person.
  10. Recipients may receive the scholarship for their Freshman year only. Recipients will be invited to a scholarship celebration in 2024.

Gather the above documents first, before you start the application below. Scan them into a PDF or image.

Student Information
Please note that if you are selected to receive the scholarship, we will contact you for additional information.
Please indicate which competency best describes your knowledge of Spanish:
Academic Information
Financial Information